Northern Mount Everest from Tibet side is a paradise for the trekking lovers with some wonderful treks. The Kharta & Khangsung Valley trek starting from Kharta valley is among one of most amazing treks that takes you through the amazing pastures and colorful meadows full of flowers. The trekking starts from the Khatra and takes you to the top at the Everest Kangshung Face going through the beautiful Karma Valley. This amazing trek not only offers you a lot of thrill but also the majestic view of the peaks covered with snow including Kangchenjunga, Lhotse and Makalu. The trip also lets you explore the sacred land of Tibet.

Kharta & Khangsung Valley Trek is one of the most exciting Himalayan treks that you would want to take in this part of the world. There are lots of attractions that make this trek so unique and popular among the trekkers. You have lush green grasslands and beautiful lakes all along the trek. It is among the lesser known treks and thus there is a lesser crowd as compared to some of the other treks. The trip offers you the stunning view of the beautiful peaks like Gauri Shankar, Menlungtse, Shishapangma, Cho Oyu, Everest, Makalu and more. You also got to explore the monasteries, palaces and temples in the city of Lhasa.

The Kharta and Khangsung Valley Trek is a longer and more remote trek in the Everest region of Tibet. This trek offers a unique opportunity to explore less-traveled trails and enjoy breathtaking landscapes. Here’s a sample 22-day itinerary for the Kharta and Khangsung Valley Trek:

Day1: Arrival in Lhasa

  • Arrive in Lhasa and acclimatize to the altitude.
  • Rest and explore the city.

Day2: Lhasa Sightseeing

  • Explore Lhasa’s cultural and historical sites, including the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple.

Day3: Lhasa – Gyantse

  • Drive to Gyantse.
  • Visit the Kumbum Stupa and Gyantse Dzong.

Day4: Gyantse – Shigatse

  • Drive to Shigatse.
  • Visit Tashilhunpo Monastery and explore the city.

Day5: Shigatse – Tingri

  • Drive to Tingri.
  • Enjoy the changing landscapes along the way.

Day6: Tingri Acclimatization

  • Rest and acclimatize in Tingri.
  • Short walks to help with altitude adjustment.

Day7: Tingri – Kharta Valley

  • Drive to Kharta Valley.
  • Enjoy the scenic drive and views of the surrounding peaks.

Day8: Kharta Valley – Trek Start

  • Begin the trekking journey.
  • Camp near the trek start point.

Day9-17: Khangsung Valley Trek

  • Embark on the Khangsung Valley Trek.
  • Trek through stunning landscapes, crossing high passes and enjoying panoramic views.
  • Explore the remote and pristine Khangsung Valley.
  • Camp at various picturesque locations along the trail.

Day18: Trek End – Kharta Valley

  • Finish the trek and return to the Kharta Valley.
  • Celebrate the completion of the trek.

Day19: Kharta Valley – Rongbuk Monastery

  • Drive to Rongbuk Monastery.
  • Enjoy the iconic view of Everest from Rongbuk.

Day20: Rongbuk Monastery – Everest Base Camp

  • Drive to Everest Base Camp (North Face).
  • Marvel at the breathtaking view of Mount Everest.

Day21: Everest Base Camp – Shegar

  • Drive back to Shegar.
  • Reflect on the trekking experience.

Day22: Shegar – Lhasa

  • Drive back to Lhasa.
  • Relax and reminisce about your trekking adventure.

This comprehensive itinerary allows you to explore both the cultural highlights of Tibet and the remote landscapes of the Kharta and Khangsung Valley Trek. As always, it’s important to consider the weather, your fitness level, and altitude acclimatization while planning a trek of this nature. Consulting with a reputable tour operator is crucial to ensure all necessary arrangements are made, including permits, guides, transportation, and accommodations. Keep in mind that conditions can change, so flexibility is key for a successful and enjoyable trekking experience.

When planning a trek like the Kharta and Khangsung Valley Trek or any other similar trek, several aspects need to be considered, including meals, accommodation, flights, and other logistical details. Here’s a general overview of what you might need to consider:


  • During the trek, your meals will typically be provided by the trekking company or tour operator. Meals will likely include a mix of local Tibetan cuisine and more familiar options.
  • In cities like Lhasa and Shigatse, you can explore local restaurants to experience traditional Tibetan food and other international dishes.


  • Accommodation during the trek will primarily consist of camping in tents at various designated campsites along the trail.
  • In cities like Lhasa, Gyantse, Shigatse, and Tingri, you can find hotels or guesthouses ranging from budget to more luxurious options.
  • Accommodation around Everest Base Camp might be more basic due to the remote location.


  • If you’re traveling internationally, you’ll need to book flights to and from your home country to a major city in China (e.g., Beijing, Chengdu, or Kathmandu if flying from Nepal).
  • From there, you would book a separate domestic flight to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet.

Trekking Company or Tour Operator:

  • It’s highly recommended to book the trek through a reputable trekking company or tour operator with experience in the region.
  • The company will arrange all logistics, including permits, transportation, accommodation, meals, guides, and necessary equipment for the trek.


  • Tibet requires special permits for foreign visitors, and you’ll need a Tibet Travel Permit to enter the region. Your tour operator will typically arrange this for you.
  • Additional permits might be required for specific trekking areas, depending on the route.

Altitude Acclimatization:

  • Acclimatization is crucial for your safety and well-being due to the high altitudes in Tibet. Make sure your itinerary allows for gradual ascents and rest days for acclimatization.
  • Drink plenty of water and avoid strenuous activities in the first few days of your arrival in high-altitude areas.

Guides and Support Staff:

  • A local guide and support staff, including porters and cooks, are usually provided by the trekking company. They will assist you throughout the trek.

Weather and Seasons:

  • Weather conditions can vary significantly based on the season. Spring (April to June) and fall (September to November) are generally the best times for trekking in Tibet when the weather is relatively stable.

When planning a trek of this nature, it’s crucial to work with a reliable and experienced trekking company to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. They can provide detailed information on what’s included in the package, what you need to bring, and how to prepare for the trek. Additionally, keep in mind that regulations and conditions can change, so it’s important to have flexibility in your plans.