Shalu to Nartang Trekking

Shalu to Nartang trekking would be an ideal choice to have both cultural tour and hiking adveture experience along the way to Lhasa. Not far away from Friend-ship highway, Shalu to Nartang trekking follows the ancient trade route between two great Buddhist monasteries, the Shalu and the Nartang, while you trek through the route, you can feel the caravans laden with scriptures and treasures that once passed this way. The route passes through several villages as well as uninhabited dry canyons. It is also the shortest Tibet trekking route, just about 15 hours walking, you can divided into 2 or 3 days according to your personal physical condition. A easy trek on above 3800m from sea level on the Tibetan landscape which gives you a plenty of experience on Tibetan life style.

The Shalu to Nartang Trekking is a relatively short but rewarding trek in Tibet, offering insights into the local culture, monasteries, and stunning landscapes. Here’s a sample 9-day itinerary for the Shalu to Nartang Trek:

Detailed Itinerary

Day1: Arrival in Lhasa

  • Arrive in Lhasa and acclimatize to the altitude.
  • Rest and explore the city to begin acclimatization.

Day2: Lhasa Sightseeing

  • Continue sightseeing in Lhasa, visiting iconic sites like the Potala Palace and Jokhang Temple.

Day3: Lhasa – Shalu Monastery

  • Drive to Shalu Monastery.
  • Explore the monastery and its surroundings.

Day4: Shalu – Ngor Monastery – Shalu

  • Visit Ngor Monastery, known for its intricate murals and artwork.
  • Return to Shalu and prepare for the trek.

Day5: Shalu – Upper Lungsang

  • Start the trek from Shalu Monastery.
  • Hike through beautiful landscapes to Upper Lungsang.
  • Trekking Time: 5-6 hours

Day6: Upper Lungsang – Ngor Monastery

  • Continue trekking towards Ngor Monastery.
  • Explore the monastery and its cultural treasures.
  • Trekking Time: 4-5 hours

Day7: Ngor Monastery – Nyimo

  • Trek from Ngor Monastery to Nyimo.
  • Pass through picturesque villages and landscapes.
  • Trekking Time: 5-6 hours

Day8: Nyimo – Nartang Monastery

  • Trek to Nartang Monastery.
  • Explore the monastery and its historical significance.
  • Trekking Time: 4-5 hours

Day9: Nartang – Lhasa

  • Drive back to Lhasa from Nartang.
  • Relax and reflect on your trekking experience.

This itinerary allows you to experience the cultural heritage of Tibet through visits to monasteries and interaction with local communities while enjoying a moderate trekking experience. Always consider the weather, your fitness level, and altitude acclimatization while planning your trek. It’s essential to make arrangements through a reputable tour operator for permits, guides, transportation, and accommodations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Keep in mind that conditions can change, so flexibility is important for a successful trekking experience.


You will also be staying at  good reviewed  3 star in Lhasa, Shigatse and Gyantse if you prefer better hotel there is always option to upgrade the hotel and if you prefer to get booked own prefer hotel we are always ready to book for you. There will be camping during trekking period about 4 nights. Our camping tents are well maintained two men tents for group members, dining and kitchen tents along with kitchen table and other necessary equipements.

Altitude Problem and Physical Fitness Required

It is a easy trekking, There is also no level of physical fitness is required, everyone could join on the trek. It would be more helpful if you have previous trekking experience as the trail follows average altitude of 3900m one should prepare acordingly. We also advise our guest(s) to consult their doctor for vaccination and other medical requirements before taking the trip. Regular exercise, jugging, stretching and medication or yoga may be good idea before taking the trip.


We provide hygenic full board food prepared by our own experienced cook during trekking. All meals during trekking and only breakfast during the driving or touring sessions are included in this trip. We are expected to pay for lunches and dinners in the city in Lhasa on our own. Breakfast will be taken in the same place we stay the night. Similar arrangements can also be made for dinner. Lunch will be taken en route to the next destination(s). It is also advisable to budget Yuan 60 to Yuan 100 (USD10 to USD16) for lunch and dinner in a single day. Only basic meal choices like Tibetan bread and tsampa porridge will be available in remote locations. Freshly cooked full board food will be served by trained and experienced cooks on full-board basis during camping.

Recommended Clothing & Accessories

As the tempreture varies greatly between day and night (from Max. 20 degrees celcius to Min. -10 degrees celcius) one should prepare accordingly. Woolen gloves, Balaclava, Sun hat, Thermal wear, Water bottle, Woolen sockes, Personal Towel, Light and Warm parka Jacket, Sunglasses, Sun Cream, Torch with extra batteries, Muffler, Mask, Raincoat, Sweater, T-Shirt, Sleeping bag and comfortable walking shoes are also recommended for Ganden to Samye Trekking.

Travel Insurance

Full travel insurance coverage for medicine, Helicopter evacuation, if in case of immergency, lost of belongings and trip cancilation is strongly recommended for Ganden to Samye Trek.

Best Time to Travel

Spring (March to May) and Autumn (September to November) is the best seasons for this trip. 

Trip Start Dates and Cost

Trip can be started either from Kathmandu or Lhasa. You could also even check our fixed group joing trips. Check available trip dates and cost for Everst Advance Base Camp North  or Please contact us for your customized departure date and cost. We are always welcome for customization as per your preference.