Weather in tibet varies widely due to its diverse geography and high altitude. The climate can be described as harsh and extreme, with significant temperature variations between day and night, as well as seasonal changes. Here’s an overview of Tibet’s weather in different regions and seasons:

Lhasa and Central Tibet:

Spring (April to June): This is a popular time to visit Tibet, as the weather is relatively mild with gradually warming temperatures. However, there can still be chilly days and nights.

Summer (July to August): Summers are warm during the day, but nights remain cool. This is the peak tourist season, with clear skies and occasional rainfall.

Autumn (September to October): Another popular time to visit, with comfortable temperatures during the day and cooler nights. The skies are usually clear, making it a good time for photography.

Winter (November to February): Winters are cold, especially at night, and many tourist facilities may close due to the harsh conditions. However, it’s still possible to visit if you’re prepared for the cold.

Western Tibet (Ngari):

This region has a more arid climate with lower temperatures, especially at night. Summers are short and relatively warm, while winters are extremely cold and dry.

Eastern Tibet (Kham and Amdo):

This area experiences more rainfall than central and western Tibet, with a milder climate. Summers are warmer, and winters are less harsh compared to other parts of Tibet.

Altitude and Altitude Sickness:

One of the most significant factors affecting weather in Tibet is altitude. As you ascend to higher elevations, temperatures drop and the air becomes thinner, leading to lower oxygen levels. This can result in altitude sickness, so it’s important to acclimatize gradually and take necessary precautions.

Rainfall and Precipitation:

Tibet is generally a dry region, with the highest rainfall occurring during the summer months. However, even during the wettest months, precipitation is still relatively low compared to other regions.


Due to its high altitude and complex terrain, Tibet’s weather can be quite unpredictable. Rapid changes in weather, sudden drops in temperature, and unexpected snowfall can occur even during the warmer months.

When planning your trip to Tibet, it’s important to pack clothing that can be layered to accommodate temperature changes throughout the day and night. It’s also a good idea to research the specific weather conditions for the areas you plan to visit and consult local sources or tour guides for the most up-to-date information.